Matters of Style With Masscob

In conversation with Spanish design duo Marga Massanet and Jacobo Cobián — we discuss their inspirations, design sensibilities and favourite travel.

  • As we reflect back on summer, can you tell us your favourite holiday spot in Spain?

We have roots in Mallorca but live on the coast of Galicia, so we are really spoilt for choice when it comes to beautiful natural spots, with the wild beaches along the rugged coastline of the Atlantic or the warmer, sun-filled Balearic Island. What they both have in common is the pristine nature, spectacular food, traditions and craftsmanship, hidden treasures and a slower pace. Here we are constantly reminded of what is important for us and stay connected to just that.

  • Can you recommend a museum that is off the beaten track?

    1. Fundación Miró in Mallorca. It is a marvelous house and museum, elegantly combining modern design, simplicity and the Mediterranean aesthetic through the use of local materials.

    2. Georgia O´Keeffee Museum in New Mexico. It is a blend of Native American and Spanish Colonial building styles, yet distinctly modern and seamlessly integrated in its surroundings. The earth tones are very beautiful, with curious design pieces from the 70s.

    3. Os Pendellos in the interior of Galicia. An emblematic 18th century sleepy town and artisanal market where you can find authentic design treasures.

    4. Any Sheila Hicks exhibition. Her weaving artistry and sculptural textiles are always worth a visit.
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1. Fundación Miró in Mallorca
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2. Georgia O´Keeffee Museum in New Mexico
  • What are you favourite pieces from the AW22 collection?

Most probably the pieces whose fabrics have us enamored the luscious silk jacquard tops and dress, the soft knitwear. And then of course it’s all in the details — the way the dress moves with you when you move, the intricate braided details on the trousers. A lot of work goes into the development of each garment, and some pieces are very memorable for us especially, because we know of all the time and persistence and care that went into creating it.

  • Tell us something about your garments that you think could be missed when shopping online?

There are fabrics in each collection that we always strive to better or develop anew a great amount of research, work and patience goes into that and it’s harder to show that on a screen. It’s the same with the colours, light and shade interplay with natural yarn fabrics we use. Another thing is a garment’s feel, its movement and drape. There are certain pieces you have to try and walk in them, to really see their secret.

  • Are there any designers in fashion or other disciplines, you have in mind when you work on a collection?

Disciplines yes craftsmanship, local artisanal expertise of any sorts, as well as architecture. What is inspiring is seeing all the work, the age-old tradition and knowledge that go into creating something elegant, simple yet perfect.

  • We know you have a strong interest in design and architecture. What is your favourite building in Spain? 
  1. Fundación Miró in Mallorca, by architect Josep Lluis Sert. A space that inspires one to be creative.
  2. Can Lis in Mallorca, by architect Jorn Uzton. A wonderful composition, minimalistic, in harmony with its spectacular cliff top surroundings.
  3. Our beautiful beach house in Corrubedo, by architect Laurent Deroo.
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1. Fundación Miró, Mallorca
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2. Can Lis, Malllorca
3. Marga and Jacobo's beach house in Corrubedo, via LDA
3. Marga and Jacobo's beach house in Corrubedo, via LDA
  • Can you describe the values at the heart of Masscob?

Masscob is a creative expression, it stands for all that is dear to us; our origins and rich natural surroundings, the traditions and local artisanal work, taking time to do things well and in a way that might not be the most common one. We count on our own team of pattern makers, cutters and seamstresses. Everything is made in-house in Spain, and it’s like the beating heart of Masscob and what we do.

  • Masscob is going to be 20 years old next year. This is such a great achievement. What do you believe is the secret of your longevity?

We are passionate about what we are doing and that is probably the biggest drive. You do the things you love to do differently. Teamwork and learning the constant overcoming of obstacles and setbacks, and growing together. Staying true to our values. Persistence. Flexibility and open-mindedness. Lastly; respect for the process, the work, the team, the loyalty and commitment with our customers. Much depends on that and we are most grateful for it. 20 years, it’s definitely been a journey.